Since 2005, we've helped
People access clean, safe drinking water.
A Small Charity Doing Big Things In Africa.
Water is the most basic human need, that for many around the world is still out of reach.
Our water projects in remote villages in Western Africa have transformed lives. We empower and work in partnership with communities to build sustainable infrastructure improving their health and economic prosperity. We work transparently and give value for money with 100% of all donations going to the project work.
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Natural Medicine, Natural Pest Control

A Growing Partnership
Sonja Prexler-Schwab is a Doctor of Medicine and Arnold Schwab has a doctorate in agriculture. In 2007 they founded a German NGO, Tabanka, which is made up of former aid workers in West Africa and others who wish to back them up in their activities to alleviate poverty and provide humanitarian aid. Their emphasis is on herbal medicine and education, especially of women and girls.
Howard Measham
Our founder and source of inspiration for WellFound, has passed away.

Dear friends and supporters of WellFound,
I am writing with sad news.Howard Measham, our founder and source of inspiration for WellFound, has passed away.Howard founded WellFound in 2005. Since then, thanks to his passion and encouragement, we have brought clean water and a chance for a new start to over 160,000 people. Whole families have been given the opportunity for a more nutritious and healthy diet. Women have been empowered to take part in decision making and given the chance to earn money for themselves and their families and to allow them to  have a better life thanks to Howard’s vision and his energy to carry it through.
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A Dream We Thought Would Never Come True
Recently, WellFound finished constructing a borehole in the village of Vaama, Sierra Leone. Now, 250 inhabitants have access to clean and safe water.

Prior to our intervention, water-born diseases were rampant in Vaama, among both children and adults. However, now the inhabitants have safe drinking water and no longer need to suffer as a result of dirty water.

One of the village inhabitants, Christiana, said that WellFound's work at Vaama  “was a dream we thought would never come true; absolutely there was no hope that I would one day drink clean water in this community, as this was impossible for us to do on our own - unless a miracle happened.” 

WellFound will continue to improve the lives of communities in remote villages across Guinea-Bissau and Sierra Leone
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The 13 Principles of Agroecology at WellFound
Agroecology is the application of ecological principles to agricultural processes. The method has proven to transform food systems, agribusiness and wildlife diversity worldwide. WellFound always aims to work with the 13 Principles of Agroecology, to ensure sustainable farming that works hand in hand with agriculture. This article will explain how WellFound has adopted these Principles into ongoing projects and will show the effects of working with agroecological practices.
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Tributes To Howard By The People He Loved Dearly
Howard was deeply loved and respected in the villages where he worked in west Africa. That was demonstrated again at celebrations of his life held in the villages of Cali, Guinea-Bissau and Mobona, Sierra Leone.
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Action4Schools and WellFound Partnership
Action4Schools is a charity based in Gibraltar ( ) that aims to provide a better environment in schools and improve education in remote Sierra Leone. WellFound and Action4Schools share many of the same goals, such as providing a clean source of water, adequate sanitation facilities and improve health and wellbeing across Sierra Leone. Therefore, in 2018 the two charities joined forces so that their actions turn hopes into reality.
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Improving WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) in Guinea-Bissau Supported by Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Programme
Between November 2022 and August 2023, WellFound participated in the US Ambassador’sSpecial-Help Programme to tackle Guinea-Bissau’s widespread issues with water, sanitation,and hygiene (WASH). The project focused on well installation, hygiene education, latrine construction following our Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) model. The project supported four villages in Oio region.
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How Market Gardens are a Solution to the Nutritional and Poverty Crisis in Guinea-Bissau
Between May 2022 and May 2023, WellFound worked on a project whose goals were to improve the nutritional intake of the remotest and poorest villages in Guinea-Bissau and alleviate poverty in the region. To accomplish these goals, WellFound focused on extensively supporting Bissau Guinean women with the tools, skills and materials needed to set-up market gardens in their local communities.
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My Memorable Trip To Sierra Leone By Levi Noble
The construction of a water well in a very remote village of Sierra Leone held deep personal significance for me, as it served as a tribute to my dear friend, Garfield Hayward, who lost his battle with cancer in November. I chose Sierra Leone due to my personal roots as my late grandfather, who emigrated to England from Sierra Leone in the 1960s and personally travelling to Sierra Leone to oversee the...
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The Peter Stebbings Memorial Charity has made a generous donation of £6000.00 to support a well project in Sierra Leone. WellFound, in collaboration with the local community, implemented the project in Vaama Village, located in the remote Moyamba district of Sierra Leone. The primary goal was to provide clean water access, improve sanitation and hygiene practices, and eradicate illnesses in the community.
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Guinea Bissau - 2023 Visit
“WellFound’s work is very magical”.
Here are some of the many fantastic community updates and new project insights from the February - March 2023 trip to Guinea-Bissau and Senegal by Dr Antony Kingsley.

Village Successes
We were very pleased to see the villages where WellFound has worked continue to show excellent progress. All communities have eagerly adopted the market garden scheme. The gardens are fruitful, well-kept and thriving, providing an additional...
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A Year Of Hard Work, Unity & Change
US Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Programme Final Progress Report 2021

In October 2020, WellFound began a project to help five villages in Guinea Bissau whose water sources were streams and shallow wells more than half a kilometre away from the centre of the villages. The US Ambassador to Senegal and Guinea Bissau, Special Self-Help Programme, is generously supporting...
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A Satellite View Of WellFound's Work
As we took stock at the start of 2023, we plotted all the villages where WellFound has worked in Guinea-Bissau since 2015 on Google maps.

These villages represent almost 54,000 people who now have access to clean water and the opportunity to transform their lives.
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My WellFound Experience
Every penny collected during the campaign week will go directly to rural communities in Sierra Leone. The amazing thing about the Big Give is, that all donations will be doubled at no extra cost to the donors...
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What Sustainability Means to Us
At WellFound, we truly value sustainability; it underpins everything that we do. Many rural communities around the world are reliant on external organisations to survive...
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Big Give 2022
We are fast approaching the time of the year for WellFound to take part in the Big Give Challenge.

The Big Give Christmas Challenge initiative is the UK’s biggest match funding campaign, which helps charities like WellFound maximise how much we raise. For seven days around Christmas time, supporters are asked to donate to our fundraising appeal and assuming the target is met – money raised is doubled!
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Our Story In Guinea Bissau
Foti and I are a couple from the Netherlands and left our home in Amsterdam to travel around the world. About a year ago we started travelling overseas and overland, working along the way in volunteering projects and keeping a westwards direction aiming one day to make a full turn of the earth (big idea but at least this is our compass).
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Rosanna's Bake Sale
An incredible story!!!
She raised £460 for WellFound and has donated everything through The Big Give campaign.

“She baked a lot on Saturday and managed some early morning Sunday cake deliveries in our neighbourhood, to maximise sales. Then she set up a cake table in our church foyer. We were even able to..."
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